MoveIt Studio Behavior  2.8.2
Core Behaviors for the MoveIt Studio Application
get_drawer_axis_from_selection.hpp File Reference
#include <behaviortree_cpp/action_node.h>
#include <behaviortree_cpp/bt_factory.h>
#include <moveit_studio_behavior_interface/behavior_context.hpp>
#include <moveit_studio_behavior/utils/affordance_transforms.hpp>
#include <optional>
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class  moveit_studio::behaviors::GetDrawerAxisFromSelection
 Given an input PoseStamped representing a grasp pose selected on a drawer handle, output three PoseStampeds that define a screw motion to open the drawer. More...




OrderedAffordancePoses moveit_studio::behaviors::affordance_transforms::getDrawerAffordancePoses (const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &grasp_pose, const double grasp_rotation=0.0)
 Given a grasp pose on a drawer handle, calculate poses that define a screw axis which opens the drawer along the grasp pose Z- axis. More...