Release Notes


  • Fix issues with rendering custom end-effectors when previewing grasp poses.


  • Fix issues mounting host directories for some shell environments.

  • Minor documentation content updates and formatting fixes.


  • Command-line interface updates
    • User workspace is not automatically built every time MoveIt Studio is launched.

    • Allow switching between configuration packages without prompting to delete host-mounted configuration folder.

    • Improvements to Docker images by creating non-root users at container startup time.

    • Additional checks for user environment configuration at install and run time.

    • For more information, refer to the Migration Guide.

  • New Behaviors for AprilTag pose detection, including Detect Apriltags and Get Detection Pose.

  • New Transform Pose Behavior for modifying an existing pose object.

  • MoveIt Task Constructor Behavior updates
    • Split Setup MTC Pick Cuboid into separate Behaviors for approach, grasp generation, and retract. For more information, refer to the Migration Guide.

    • Behavior category name changed from “MTC” to “Task Planning”.

    • New Behaviors to enable concurrent planning and execution, including Get Current Planning Scene, Setup MTC Fixed Joint State, Push To Solution Queue, and Wait and Pop Solution Queue

  • Run multiple MoveIt motion planners in parallel with Setup MTC Move To Joint State Behavior.

  • New moveit_studio_vision_msgs package which contains ROS 2 interfaces for AprilTag detections and graspable objects consisting of cuboids and planar surfaces.

  • Added ability to display cuboid objects from a MoveIt planning scene in the MoveIt Studio web app.

  • Removed built-in support for Kinova robots from the core MoveIt Studio package. For more information, see the Migration Guide.

  • Updates to Universal Robots example workspace
    • New machine tending simulation scene for default mock hardware configuration package.

    • Updated Gazebo configuration package to demonstrate AprilTag based pick and place applications.

    • Parallel sampling-based and joint interpolation planning is on by default when moving between Waypoints.

  • UI updates
    • Improved interactive marker performance.

    • Easier to select connection lines in Objective Builder.

    • Display planner names in trajectory previews.

    • Visible error message when WebGL for graphics rendering is unavailable in a web browser.

    • Automatically determine end effector coordinate frame name for endpoint and joint jogging.

    • Support arbitrary metadata categories for custom Behaviors in the sidebar.

    • Bug fixes.


  • Performance improvements for interactive marker based endpoint control.

  • Fixed some issues with the ./moveit_studio command surrounding user licensing.


  • Robot configuration packages now support multi-level inheritance. For more information refer to the Migration Guide.

  • Custom meshes now render in the web app. For more information refer to the Migration Guide.

  • Updates to Universal Robots example workspace
    • Update configuration packages to use multi-level inheritance.

    • MoveIt configuration now includes the STOMP optimizing motion planner and Anytime Path Shortening (APS) adapter.

    • Switch between different UR arm models with one configuration parameter.

  • Run multiple MoveIt motion planners in parallel with Move to Joint State and Move to Pose Behaviors.

  • Find Singular Cuboids Behavior now allows setting the parent frame instead of using the camera frame by default.

  • pick_ik inverse kinematics plugin version updated for bug fixes and new features.

  • Enhancements and functional fixes to interactive marker based endpoint control.

  • Update Behavior Trees concept documentation with more resources.

  • UI updates: Added description tooltips to favorites Objectives, scroll wheel always zooms in Behavior Tree editor, consistent use of terminology in menu items.


  • MoveIt Studio now runs without root user. For more information refer to the Migration Guide.

  • Documented installing and running MoveIt Studio in virtual machines on Windows and macOS.

  • New Looping Pick and Place demonstration Objective.

  • New Behaviors for fetching images and camera information.

  • Joint slider controls will now show a preview of the robot.

  • Support for adding favorite Objectives directly in XML.

  • Major documentation reorganization and updates.

  • Automated force-torque sensor zeroing behaviors for UR + Robotiq deployments.

  • Improvements in the UI for P-stop manager workflows.

  • Additional services for RViz and the MoveIt Setup Assistant in the launch tool.

  • New Objectives and features for the included UR5e mock hardware and Gazebo simulations.

  • Error codes will pass from MoveIt to the user interface.

  • Additional information in error messages when Objectives are missing required hardware.

  • Bump UR and Robotiq Gripper dependencies for URDF fixes and improvements.

  • Additional warnings in the UI for unsupported URDF options.

  • Display more useful errors with planning with empty MTC tasks.

  • Joint endpoint units and language updates to support prismatic joints.

  • Adjustments to the default ports used by the MoveIt Studio application.

  • Popup changes for creating new Objectives and Behaviors.

  • Browser warnings for unstable Formant connections.

  • Improvements to the install, configuration, and launch scripts for dependency checks.

  • Fixed application healthchecks on launch when loading the UI.

  • Fixed issue when loading nodes model files in user workspaces.

  • Fixed building issues in user workspaces both with the launch option and on application start.

  • Fixed and modified keyboard shortcuts in the Objective Editor.

  • Fixed Objective YAML circular configuration updating and persisting.

  • Fixed timing and reset problems with endpoint control using the interactive marker.

  • Fixed editing issues with subtree layouts, tree creation, and inclusion in the Objective Editor.

  • Fixed admittance control tuning panel reload on save problems.


  • Change default MoveIt Studio application port usage.

  • Update the Docker user group checks during the install process.

  • Update user documentation with additional instructions for virtual machines.


  • Fixing typos in the installation and launching documentation.

  • Rename waypoints and update Objectives in the default PickNik UR configurations.


  • Include frame ID checks when showing grasp candidates in the UI.

  • Adds a Call Trigger Service behavior to the default tree_nodes_model.xml.

  • Fixed saving subtrees when they are created from new Objectives.

  • Fixed breaking issues when adding subtrees to themselves.

  • Fixed duplicate pastes when copying and pasting Behaviors when editing ports.


  • Initial support for inclusion of subtrees in Objectives, and for creating and modifying them through the Objective Editor.

  • New API and button to download all logs as a zip file from the logging tab.

  • Added undo/redo functions and buttons to the Objective Editor.

  • Added tooltips and safety checks to the joint jogging control interface.

  • Interactive marker for Cartesian endpoint control.

  • New tutorial for interacting with MoveIt Studio’s Do Objective Action Server.

  • Ability to reset the camera view for kiosk mode deployments.

  • New base Behavior class for getting the latest message published on a ROS topic.

  • Additional functionality for headless deployments and configuration have been added to the MoveIt Studio launch utility.

  • Moved the standard_tree_nodes_model.xml and included tree_nodes_model.xml to standard, included locations. For changes refer to Migration to 2.2.0.

  • Timeouts and additional checks for Formant enabled deployments.

  • Adjusted MoveIt Servo parameters for UR Robots to the most up-to-date configuration.

  • Fixed verbosity for top level Behaviors when running Objectives.

  • Fixed inability to copy text from toast warning popups.

  • Fixed issues with creating and recreating publishers and subscribers in abstract Behavior classes.

  • Fixed issues with the “Clear Snapshot” Objective.

  • Fixed error messaging for some Objectives with specific hardware requirements.

  • Fixed port validation in the Create Behavior API.

  • Fixed issues with marker rendering and overlapping in the nav bar.

  • Fixed issues for camera controls in the preview window.

  • Fixed re-rendering robot previews when approving trajectories.


  • Adjust subtree editing warnings in the Objective Editor.

  • Minor adjustments to the install process to install tagged versions of the MoveIt Studio user workspace.


  • Added copying and pasting of Behaviors in the Objective Editor.

  • Added running of Objectives by ID in the Objective Server.

  • Added recursive editing of yaml parameters in the Objective Editor.

  • Added joint sliders to the Joint control panel for joint-by-joint jogging.

  • Added new Behavior and functionality for logging during Objective execution. For more information see the Making a Hello World Behavior tutorial, and the new LogMessage Behavior.

  • Added a task_id port to MTC planning behaviors for solution storage and introspection. For changes refer to Migration to 2.1.0.

  • Added documentation and feedback links to the user interface settings dropdown.

  • Added machine learning Behaviors and tutorials in Adding Machine Learning Based Perception to Objectives.

  • Added the UR5e xacro to prevent planning through pinch geometries in the wrist.

  • Fixed issues related to rendering different Behavior Tree layouts.

  • Fixed a critical bug causing stability issues in ros2_control Humble.

  • Fixed scrolling issues in the waypoints dropdown menu.

  • Fixed issues with missing camera configurations for simulated environments.

  • Fixed issues in launch monitoring logic when launching MoveIt Studio.


  • Fixed built-in pick and place Objectives for BT.CPP 4.1.


  • Added documentation for launching MoveIt Studio with Gazebo simulation. For more information see Gazebo Configuration Guide.

  • Fixed issues with large joint jumps in MoveIt Servo for the UR5e robots.

  • Fixed issues in the Waypoints API and editor.

  • Fixed unhandled exceptions in the Objective Server.


Major version increase. For a complete summary of required configuration changes refer to Migration to 2.0.0.

  • Upgraded to BehaviorTree.CPP 4.1.1. For required changes refer to Migration to 2.0.0.

  • Added a new web-bridge for isolated, local MoveIt Studio deployments.

  • Added additional tutorials for custom Behavior generation and workspace testing. For more information see the Getting Started page.

  • Added support for tuning admittance control parameters to the user interface. For more information refer to Configure Admittance Control.

  • Added additional Behavior interface base classes for simplifying building of customer Behaviors. For more information refer to the List of Core Behaviors documentation.

  • Added a public MoveIt Studio user workspace. For more information refer to Configuring a Custom Robot.

  • Added support for including multiple tree_nodes_model.xml files in user workspaces.

  • Added messaging to the user interface for MoveIt Servo statuses (e.g. approaching singularities or joint limits).

  • Added an UpdatePlanningSceneService Behavior for improved collision scene monitoring.

  • Added a ForEach decorator node for iterating over values in a Behavior Tree. For more information refer to the List of Core Behaviors documentation.

  • Added overlay Docker images and instructions for developing MoveIt Studio Behaviors from containers. For more information see Create Overlay Docker Images.

  • Added ability to modify the servo speed from the Cartesian and Joint control panels.

  • Added support for logging at different levels from Behaviors to the MoveIt Studio user interface.

  • Improvements to the Logging panel in the MoveIt Studio user interface.

  • Improvements for database synchronization in the Objective Editor.

  • Fixed warnings for missing configuration in base and site config parameters.

  • Fixed issues related to DDS configuration generation.

  • Fixed issues with animations and lagging in the user interface.

  • Fixed segfault issues related to Robotiq Gripper connections.

  • Fixed issues with the JointTrajectoryController and success criteria in ros2_control Humble.

  • Fixed issues related to Behavior Tree layouts in the Objective Editor.