MoveIt Pro Behavior Interface  5.3.2
Library for developing custom behaviors for use in MoveIt Pro
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::BehaviorContextThe BehaviorContext struct contains shared resources that are common between all instances of Behaviors that inherit from moveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode< BehaviorTreeNodeT >The SharedResourcesNode class provides a BehaviorContext object when constructing a BehaviorTree.Cpp node
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ActionClientBehaviorBase< ActionT >::ClientInterfaceBaseProvides an interface to an action client that can handle a single goal at a time
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ActionClientBehaviorBase< ActionT >::RclcppClientInterfaceImplements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp action client
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ClientInterfaceBase< ServiceT >Provides an interface to a service client that can send a single request at a time. WARNING - This class currently does not support calling syncSendRequest function asynchronously from multiple threads
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::RclcppClientInterface< ServiceT >Implements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp service client
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ClockInterfaceBaseA base class which provides an interface for retrieving timepoints from a monotonic clock
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SteadyClockInterfaceImplementation of ClockInterfaceBase for std::chrono::steady_clock
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ForEach< T >A class template for creating a behavior tree decorator node to help iterate through a vector of items
 Cmoveit_studio::test_utils::WrongBehaviorPortsExceptionException thrown by Behavior testing classes when the Behavior does not define exactly the expected ports
 Cmoveit_studio::behavior::LoggerBaseBase class to allow Behaviors to report messages with detailed explanations to MoveIt Studio UI
 Cmoveit_studio::behavior::LoggerROSA ROS-specialized implementation of LoggerBase that publishes the error message on a topic and logs it through an rclcpp Logger
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::PublisherInterfaceBase< MessageT >Defines an interface to a publisher that sends a message to a topic
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::RclcppPublisherInterface< MessageT >Implementation of the publisher interface for a rclcpp publisher
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNodeLoaderBaseBase class for Behavior loader plugins that register Behaviors inheriting from SharedResourcesNode
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode< BT::StatefulActionNode >
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::AsyncBehaviorBaseA base class for behaviors which need to asynchronously run a function that might take a long time to complete
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ActionClientBehaviorBase< ActionT >A base class for behaviors which need to send a goal to a ROS action client and wait for a result. If the behavior is halted before the action result is received, the action goal will be canceled
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::GetMessageFromTopicBehaviorBase< MessageT >Base class for Behaviors that get the latest message from a topic specified on an input data port and set that message to an output data port
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ServiceClientBehaviorBase< ServiceT >A base class for behaviors which need to send a request to a ROS service client and wait for a result
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::GetMessageFromTopicBehaviorBase< MessageT >::SubscriberInterfaceBaseDefines an interface to a subscriber that blocks while waiting for a message to be received on a topic
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::GetMessageFromTopicBehaviorBase< MessageT >::RclcppSubscriberInterfaceImplementation of the subscriber interface for a rclcpp subscription
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode< BT::SyncActionNode >
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::LoadFromYaml< T >Loads a type from a YAML file, and returns it in an output port
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::LoadMultipleFromYaml< T >Loads types from a YAML file, and returns them as a vector in an output port
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SaveToYaml< T >Save the contents of a ROS 2 message type to a YAML file in a specified namespace. Note: This Behavior template saves the pose into the ~/.config/moveit_pro/robot_config/objectives folder
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::SendMessageToTopicBehaviorBase< MessageT >Base class for Behaviors that send a message to a topic. The message contents and topic name are specified as input ports
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::AddToVector< InputT >Pushes an object into a vector and sets the updated vector to the blackboard
 Cmoveit_studio::behaviors::ResetVector< InputT >Create an empty vector and set it to the blackboard
 Cmoveit_studio::test_utils::WithBehavior< BehaviorT >Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors with context to any test fixture
 Cmoveit_studio::test_utils::WithActionBehavior< BehaviorT, ClientInterfaceT >
 Cmoveit_studio::test_utils::WithBehaviorWithoutContext< BehaviorT >Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors without context to any test fixture