MoveIt Studio Behavior Interface
Library for developing custom behaviors for use in MoveIt Studio
▼Nmoveit_studio | |
▼Nbehavior | |
CLoggerBase | Base class to allow Behaviors to report messages with detailed explanations to MoveIt Studio UI |
CLoggerROS | A ROS-specialized implementation of LoggerBase that publishes the error message on a topic and logs it through an rclcpp Logger |
▼Nbehaviors | |
▼CActionClientBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to send a goal to a ROS action client and wait for a result. If the behavior is halted before the action result is received, the action goal will be canceled |
CClientInterfaceBase | Provides an interface to an action client that can handle a single goal at a time |
CRclcppClientInterface | Implements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp action client |
CAsyncBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to asynchronously run a function that might take a long time to complete |
CBehaviorContext | The BehaviorContext struct contains shared resources that are common between all instances of Behaviors that inherit from moveit_studio::behaviors::SharedResourcesNode |
CClockInterfaceBase | A base class which provides an interface for retrieving timepoints from a monotonic clock |
CSteadyClockInterface | Implementation of ClockInterfaceBase for std::chrono::steady_clock |
CForEach | A class template for creating a behavior tree decorator node to help iterate through a vector of items |
▼CGetMessageFromTopicBehaviorBase | Base class for Behaviors that get the latest message from a topic specified on an input data port and set that message to an output data port |
CRclcppSubscriberInterface | Implementation of the subscriber interface for a rclcpp subscription |
CSubscriberInterfaceBase | Defines an interface to a subscriber that blocks while waiting for a message to be received on a topic |
CLoadMultipleFromYaml | Loads types from a YAML file, and returns them as a vector in an output port |
CLoadFromYaml | Loads a type from a YAML file, and returns it in an output port |
CSaveToYaml | Save the contents of a ROS 2 message type to a YAML file in a specified namespace. Note: This Behavior template saves the pose into the ~/.config/moveit_studio/robot_config/objectives folder |
▼CServiceClientBehaviorBase | A base class for behaviors which need to send a request to a ROS service client and wait for a result |
CClientInterfaceBase | Provides an interface to a service client that can send a single request at a time |
CRclcppClientInterface | Implements ClientInterfaceBase for the rclcpp service client |
CSharedResourcesNode | The SharedResourcesNode class provides a BehaviorContext object when constructing a BehaviorTree.Cpp node |
CSharedResourcesNodeLoaderBase | Base class for Behavior loader plugins that register Behaviors inheriting from SharedResourcesNode |
▼Ntest_utils | |
CWithBehaviorWithoutContext | Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors without context to any test fixture |
CWithBehavior | Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors with context to any test fixture |
CWithActionBehavior | |
CWrongBehaviorPortsException | Exception thrown by Behavior testing classes when the Behavior does not define exactly the expected ports |
▼NYAML | |
Cconvert< Eigen::Isometry3d > | Macro to add YAML support for a given ROS message |
Cconvert< std::vector< std::string > > | Decodes top level of structured YAML into a vector of strings |
Cconvert< BehaviorParameterList > | Decodes structured YAML into a vector of BehaviorParameter ROS messages |