MoveIt Studio Behavior
Core Behaviors for the MoveIt Studio Application
Provides Studio's core Behavior plugins, which enable fundamental planning, execution, and perception processing capabilities.
This is a brief overview of the behaviors built into the core behaviors plugin. For details on each type of built in behavior, refer to the class's documentation.
Creates a shared pointer to a new moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints and writes it to the Blackboard.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
constraints_name | input | std::string |
constraints | output | std::shared_ptr<moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints> |
Calls a service that accepts a std_srvs::srv::Trigger message. The name of the service is set through the service_name
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
service_name | Input | std::string |
A condition node that monitors a wrench topic and returns BT::NodeStatus::FAILURE
when ticked if the magnitude of the force components has exceeded a specified threshold for some number of consecutive observations.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Parameter Name | Parameter Type |
wrench_topic_name | std::string |
hand_frame_name | std::string |
wrench_frame_name | std::string |
minimum_consecutive_wrench_values | std::size_t |
force_threshold | double |
Actuate a gripper through its driver node's GripperCommand action server. Given the name of the action topic and a target gripper position, move the gripper to the specified position.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
gripper_command_action_name | Input | std::string |
position | Input | double |
Transforms a stamped pose given an input translation and orientation.
The transformation occurs in the reference frame specified by the pose stamp. For example, if the input pose is expressed in the "world" frame, the translation and orientation are also applied in the "world" frame to produce the output pose.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
input_pose | input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
position_xyz | input | std::vector<double> |
orientation_xyzw | input | std::vector<double> |
output_pose | output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Transforms the reference frame of an input stamped pose to the frame specified by a frame ID, along with the position/orientation transformation that entails.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
input_pose | input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
target_frame_id | input | std::string |
output_pose | output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Given an existing moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints, creates a moveit_msgs::msg::OrientationConstraint from an input yaml file and appends this orientation constraint to the existing constraints message.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
config_file_name | Input | std::string |
constraints | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit_msgs::msg::Constraints> |
Given a named waypoint, move to that waypoint.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
waypoint_name | Input | std::string |
planning_group_name | Input | std::string |
controller_names | Input | std::string |
use_all_planners | Input | bool |
constraints | Input | std::shared_ptr<moveit_msgs::msgs::Constraints> |
Simulates flipping a biased coin with the specified probability of success provided via the input port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
success_probability | Input | double |
Accepts a JointTrajectory message via an input data port, and executes it by sending a goal to the specified FollowJointTrajectory action server.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
follow_joint_trajectory_action_name | Input | std::string |
joint_trajectory_msg | Input | trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory |
Creates and outputs a ROS JointTrajectory message from a given input yaml file.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
joint_trajectory_yaml_file_name | input | std::string |
joint_trajectory_namespace | input | std::string |
joint_trajectory_msg | output | trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory |
Saves data from a ROS JointTrajectory message to a yaml file in the objectives directory.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
joint_trajectory_msg | input | trajectory_msgs::msg::JointTrajectory |
joint_trajectory_yaml_file_name | input | std::string |
joint_trajectory_namespace | input | std::string |
Creates a shared pointer to a new MTC Task object, populates it with global settings (for example, the names of controllers to enable by default when executing trajectories planned by this Task), and sets it as an output data port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task_id | Input | std::string |
controller_names | Input | std::string |
task | Output | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
Takes a shared pointer to an existing MTC Task object via an input data port, plans the Task, and sets the resulting MTC Solution object as an output data port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Input | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
solution | Output | std::shared_ptr<const moveit::task_constructor::SolutionBase> |
Takes a shared pointer to an MTC Solution object via an input data port, and executes the lowest-cost trajectory in that Solution using the MTC ExecuteTaskSolution MoveGroup capability's /execute_task_solution
action server.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
solution | Input | std::shared_ptr<const moveit::task_constructor::SolutionBase> |
Given an existing MTC Task object, appends an MTC CurrentState Stage to the Task.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to approach the object.
This Behavior must be followed by another Behavior that adds MTC stages for grasp pose generation. The monitored_stage
output provides the name of the MTC stage containing the initial (pre-aproach) planning scene, which can be used by the grasp generation stage(s).
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
target_object | Input | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::GraspableObject |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
monitored_stage | Output | std::string |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to generate cuboid grasp poses.
The monitored_stage
input provides the name of the MTC stage containing the initial (pre-aproach) planning scene, which can be used by the grasp generation stage(s) in this Behavior.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
target_object | Input | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::GraspableObject |
monitored_stage | Input | std::string |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to generate vacuum grasp poses on its planar surfaces.
The monitored_stage
input provides the name of the MTC stage containing the initial (pre-aproach) planning scene, which can be used by the grasp generation stage(s) in this Behavior.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
target_object | Input | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::GraspableObject |
monitored_stage | Input | std::string |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a target object, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to retract after grasping the object.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
target_object | Input | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::GraspableObject |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a joint state, appends MTC stages to describe a freespace motion plan to that joint state.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
planning_group_name | Input | std::string |
joint_state | Input | sensor_msgs::msg::JointState |
use_all_planners | Input | bool |
constraints | Input | std::shared_ptr<moveit_msgs::msgs::Constraints> |
Given an existing MTC Task object and the name of a known state, appends MTC stages to describe a freespace motion plan to that state.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
planning_group_name | Input | std::string |
goal_state_name | Input | std::string |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a joint state, appends MTC stages to describe a joint-interpolated motion plan to that joint state.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
planning_group_name | Input | std::string |
joint_state | Input | sensor_msgs::msg::JointState |
Add an MTC Stage to an MTC Task that modifies the planning scene's Allowed Collision Matrix to permit or forbid collision between a planning scene object and the links of a named robot planning group while planning subsequent Stages.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Parameter Name | Parameter Type |
group_name | std::string |
object_name | std::string |
allow_collision | bool |
Given an existing MTC Task object, frame name, axis, and move distance, appends MTC stages to describe a cartesian motion plan in the frame's axis with the specified distance.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
axis | Input | std::string |
move_distance | Input | double |
Parameter Name | Parameter Type |
arm_group_name | std::string |
hand_frame_name | std::string |
velocity_acceleration_scaling_factor | double |
Given an existing MTC Task object and a target grasp pose, appends MTC stages to describe a motion plan to approach, grasp and lift an object at that pose.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
grasp_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
parameters | Input | YAML::Node |
Configures MTC stages to perform a motion that can be parameterized as a screw trajectory. Examples in practice include opening doors and drawers.
The input data ports are generally calculated by separate perception processing Behaviors in a previous step of the Objective.
Given an existing MTC Task object and input parameters that configure a screw motion affordance template, perform the following steps:
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
grasp_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_origin_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_axis_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
translation_distance | Input | double |
rotation_distance | Input | double |
use_circular_arc | Input | bool |
Configures MTC stages to open a lever-handled door by turning the handle and pushing the door away from the robot.
The input data ports are generally calculated by separate perception processing Behaviors in a previous step of the Objective.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
task | Bidirectional | std::shared_ptr<moveit::task_constructor::Task> |
handle_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
handle_z_offset | Input | double |
handle_length | Input | double |
approach_distance | Input | double |
push_open_distance | Input | double |
move_distance | Input | double |
use_circular_arc | Input | bool |
Given an input PoseStamped representing a grasp pose selected on a drawer handle, output three PoseStampeds that define a screw motion to open the drawer.
Assumes that the Z- axis of the grasp pose matches the normal vector of the front face of the drawer.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
target_grasp_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
grasp_rotation_z_radians | Input | double |
grasp_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_origin_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_axis_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Arrange input poses into the order expected by the affordance template behavior.
Given three input poses generated from surface-normal calculation of a point cloud, where the first represents the location of the door handle and the second and third are points on the axis of the hinge, determine which hinge axis pose should be the origin of the hinge vector so that a positive rotation about the hinge axis opens the door towards the user's viewpoint.
Assumes that the Z+ axis of the two poses on the hinge axis are oriented facing into the surface of the door.
The direction of the door relative to the surface normal is determined by calculating the vector cross product of the vector from the hinge origin pose to the grasp pose and the vector from the hinge origin pose to the hinge axis pose, and then calculating the dot product of the resulting vector and the Z-axis of the hinge origin pose. If the dot product is positive, the hinge origin and hinge axis poses are correctly ordered. If the dot product is negative, the hinge origin and hinge axis poses need to be reversed for positive door rotation to open the door towards the viewpoint.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
target_grasp_pose | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
hinge_axis_pose_start | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
hinge_axis_pose_end | Input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
grasp_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_origin_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
screw_axis_pose | Output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Checks for the presence of a user interface by checking if the /trajectory_bridge
ROS node exists.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
n/a | n/a | n/a |
Takes a shared pointer to an MTC Solution object via an input data port, and publishes the lowest-cost trajectory in that Solution on MTC's /solution
introspection topic. Creates a SetBool service server on the /execute_behavior_solution
topic and waits to receive a request containing data: true
before succeeding.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
solution | Input | std::shared_ptr<const moveit::task_constructor::SolutionBase> |
Given a named waypoint, sends a service request to the Agent WaypointManager to retrieve the joint state associated with that waypoint.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
waypoint_name | Input | std::string |
waypoint_joint_state | Output | sensor_msgs::msg::JointState |
Wait for a specified duration before succeeding.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
delay_duration | Input | double |
This is a special Behavior to run human-in-the-loop teleoperation using MoveIt Servo through the Objective Server.
When started, this Behavior will run INDEFINITELY until it is halted. This will happen either when the root node of the behavior tree is halted as the Objective is canceled, or when this Behavior's parent control node halts it. When this Behavior first transitions from IDLE to RUNNING, it starts and unpauses Servo control using the services advertised by the Servo server node. While this Behavior is RUNNING, it subscribes to JointJog and TwistStamped command messages that originate in the user interface, and republishes these messages to the command topics advertised by the Servo server node. When this Behavior is halted, it pauses Servo control using the server's services.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
controller_name | Input | std::string |
Perform Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) to generate a plan, given a PDDL problem.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
domain_service_name | Input | std::string |
planner_service_name | Input | std::string |
problem_file_name | Input | std::string |
plan | Output | plansys2_msgs::msg::Plan |
Create and execute a Behavior Tree from a task plan. action_mappings_file
is a path to a YAML file that provides mappings between actions in the PDDL domain and Subtrees that can actually be executed. The resulting Behavior Tree will be saved in the Objectives directory as <behavior_tree_name>.xml
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
plan | Input | plansys2_msgs::msg::Plan |
behavior_tree_name | Input | std::string |
action_mappings_file | Input | std::string |
Detects AprilTag markers from an image.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
image | input | sensor_msgs::msg::Image |
camera_info | input | sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo |
parameters | input | YAML::Node |
detections | output | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::ObjectDetectionArray |
Captures camera information and makes it available on an output port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
topic_name | input | std::string |
message_out | output | sensor_msgs::msg::CameraInfo |
Gets the stamped pose of an object detection given a label or ID, if one exists.
The target_id and target_label ports define the match criteria for the detection. A target_id of -1 denotes any ID is allowed. Similarly, a target_label that is an empty string denotes any label is allowed.
If multiple detections that match the criteria exist in the list, return the first one.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
detections | input | moveit_studio_vision_msgs::msg::ObjectDetectionArray |
target_id | input | int |
target_label | input | std::string |
detection_pose | output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Calculates the pose, length, and width of a door handle. By convention, the z-axis of target_handle_pose is aligned with the handle's axis of rotation, and he x-axis points along the handle toward the door hinge.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
point_cloud | input | sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 |
handle_pivot_pose | input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
handle_tip_pose | input | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
target_output_frame_id | input | std::string |
target_handle_pose | output | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
target_handle_z_offset | output | double |
target_handle_length | output | double |
Captures an image and makes it available on an output port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
topic_name | input | std::string |
message_out | output | sensor_msgs::msg::Image |
Captures a point cloud and makes it available on an output port.
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
topic_name | input | std::string |
message_out | output | sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 |
Publishes a point cloud on a ROS topic (typically used for debugging purposes).
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
point_cloud_topic | Input | std::string |
point_cloud | Input | sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 |
Save the contents of an image on the blackboard to a file. Filename will follow the syntax of file_prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.png
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
file_path | input | std::string |
file_prefix | input | std::string |
image | input | sensor_msgs::msg::Image |
Save the contents of a point cloud on the blackboard to a pcd file using the pcl::PointXYZRGB
point type. Filename will follow the syntax of file_prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.pcd
Data Port Name | Port Type | Object Type |
file_path | input | std::string |
file_prefix | input | std::string |
point_cloud | input | sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2 |