MoveIt Studio Behavior Interface  2.11.0
Library for developing custom behaviors for use in MoveIt Studio
MoveIt Studio Behavior Interface

This package contains the base classes used to create new Behavior plugins that can be executed as part of Objectives.

Refer to the Behavior Trees documentation for more information.


The test directory contains various helper classes and macros for Behavior testing. These helpers can:

  • Initialize a test Behavior
  • Help with useful operations in tests, like setting transforms or test data directories.
  • Provide accessors to various components: the Behavior, its node, its shared resources and mock logger if any, etc.
  • Automatically test that the Behavior creates exactly a set of input and output ports.
  • Automatically generate tests that check if the Behavior handles well a situation in which one input port is not set in the blackboard.

The test file is the source of truth about the Behavior, and the Behavior code will have to comply with the port definition in the test file, so the first thing to do is defining the input and output ports of the Behavior under test.

The following example defines a map of input ports named "myExpectedInputPorts" and a map of output ports named "myExpectedOutputPorts". In each line of the map definition, a port ID is associated with the value the port will take in that map. Note that, if a port is both an input and an output, we just need to include it in both maps.

DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDPointCloud, sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2())
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDMasks3D, std::vector<Mask3D>())
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDPlaneInlierThreshold, 0.0)
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDFaceSeparationThreshold, 0.0)
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDGraspableObjects, GraspableObject())
#define DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(port_id, default_object)
Defines the port setter for a port ID.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:220
Ends the definition of a port setter map.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:240
Begins the definition of a port setter map.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:213

Now, to test the Behavior, our test fixture will have to inherit from a helper class (in addition to its base test fixture). There are helper classes for Behaviors with and without context, also known as shared resources. If the Behavior has context, the most common case, our fixture must inherit from WithBehavior<>. In either case, we then must call initBehavior() from the fixture's SetUp(), or from any other setup function the fixture offers. The following example shows this case. Note how initBehavior() gets the expected input and output ports we defined above.

#include <moveit_studio_test_utils/ros_test.hpp>
class MyBehaviorWithContextTest
: public moveit_studio::test_utils::RosTest, public moveit_studio::test_utils::WithBehavior<MyBehaviorWithContext>
void SetUp() override {
initBehavior(/*name=*/"MyBehaviorWithContext", myExpectedInputPorts, myExpectedOutputPorts);
// TODO: set up other things for your tests here.
Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors with context to any test fixture.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:94

For behaviors without context, the pattern is the same, but uses the WithBehaviorWithoutContext helper class instead.

#include <moveit_studio_test_utils/ros_test.hpp>
class MyBehaviorWithoutContextTest
: public moveit_studio::test_utils::RosTest, public moveit_studio::test_utils::WithBehaviorWithoutContext<MyBehaviorWithoutContext>
void SetUp() override {
initBehavior(/*name=*/"MyBehaviorWithoutContext", myExpectedInputPorts, myExpectedOutputPorts);
// TODO: set up other things for your tests here.
Adds testing capabilities of Behaviors without context to any test fixture.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:54

There are macros to automatically generate tests to check if your Behavior handles the situation in which one port has no value set in the blackboard when it is run. There are macros for synchronous and asynchronous Behaviors, with and without context.

If the Behavior is synchronous and has context:


If the Behavior is asynchronous and has context:


If the Behavior is synchronous and does not have context:


If the Behavior is asynchronous and does not have context:


These macros generate one test per input port, in which the port is the only one not set. The test expects the Behavior to fail after logging a failure message pointing at the port.

But what if a Behavior is ok with an input port not being set? We can simply define the port as optional as below. Optional ports must be created by the Behavior, but no specific outcome will be enforced by the "port no set" tests.

#define DEFINE_OPTIONAL_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(port_id, default_object)
Defines the port setter for an optional port ID.
Definition: test_behavior.hpp:232

Let's put everything together in an example where we test an asynchronous Behavior with context:

#include <moveit_studio_test_utils/ros_test.hpp>
// TODO: Add your header files.
namespace moveit_studio {
namespace {
using ::moveit_studio::test_utils::WithBehavior;
// TODO: Add your anonymous elements.
} // namespace
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDPointCloud, sensor_msgs::msg::PointCloud2())
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDMasks3D, std::vector<Mask3D>())
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDPlaneInlierThreshold, 0.0)
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDFaceSeparationThreshold, 0.0)
DEFINE_BEHAVIOR_PORT_SETTER(kPortIDGraspableObjects, GraspableObject())
class MyBehaviorWithContextTest
: public test_utils::RosTest, public WithBehavior<MyBehaviorWithContext>
void SetUp() override {
initBehavior(/*name=*/"MyBehaviorWithContext", myExpectedInputPorts, myExpectedOutputPorts);
// TODO: set up other things for your tests here.
// TODO: Add your Behavior tests.
} // namespace moveit_studio
Definition: action_client_behavior_base.hpp:16
#define INSTANTIATE_ASYNC_BEHAVIOR_PORT_NOT_SET_TESTS(behavior_class, input_port_setter_generator, output_port_setter_generator)
Automatically instantiates tests for the "input Behavior port not set" situation for asynchronous Beh...
Definition: test_behavior_input_port_not_set.hpp:84

Testing Behaviors that communicate with action servers

Behaviors communicating with action servers normally mock the action server/s in the test fixture. The macros that automatically instantiate "port not set" tests use their own test fixture internally and won't set up those mocks. In this case, we can use another flavor of the macro:

INSTANTIATE_ACTION_BEHAVIOR_PORT_NOT_SET_TESTS(MyTestFixture, MyBehaviorWithContext, myExpectedInputPorts, myExpectedOutputPorts)
#define INSTANTIATE_ACTION_BEHAVIOR_PORT_NOT_SET_TESTS(test_fixture, behavior_class, input_port_setter_generator, output_port_setter_generator)
Automatically instantiates tests for the "input Behavior port not set" situation for asynchronous Beh...
Definition: test_behavior_input_port_not_set.hpp:102

Note that the only difference is that the first parameter is the test fixture itself. The macro will instantiate all tests as usual, but they will use the passed fixture, which will set up all action server mocks appropriately before each test.