Adjust subtree editing warnings in the Objective Editor.
Minor adjustments to the install process to install tagged versions of the MoveIt Studio user workspace.
Added copying and pasting of Behaviors in the Objective Editor.
Added running of Objectives by ID in the Objective Server.
Added recursive editing of yaml parameters in the Objective Editor.
Added joint sliders to the Joint control panel for joint-by-joint jogging.
Added new Behavior and functionality for logging during Objective execution. For more information see the Create a Custom Behavior tutorial, and the new
Behavior.Added a
port to MTC planning behaviors for solution storage and introspection. For changes refer to Migration to 2.1.0.Added documentation and feedback links to the user interface settings dropdown.
Added machine learning Behaviors and tutorials in Adding Machine Learning Based Perception to Objectives.
Added the UR5e xacro to prevent planning through pinch geometries in the wrist.
Fixed issues related to rendering different Behavior Tree layouts.
Fixed a critical bug causing stability issues in ros2_control Humble.
Fixed scrolling issues in the waypoints dropdown menu.
Fixed issues with missing camera configurations for simulated environments.
Fixed issues in launch monitoring logic when launching MoveIt Studio.
Fixed built-in pick and place Objectives for BT.CPP 4.1.
Added documentation for launching MoveIt Studio with Gazebo simulation. For more information see Gazebo Configuration Guide.
Fixed issues with large joint jumps in MoveIt Servo for the UR5e robots.
Fixed issues in the Waypoints API and editor.
Fixed unhandled exceptions in the Objective Server.
Major version increase. For a complete summary of required configuration changes refer to Migration to 2.0.0.
Upgraded to BehaviorTree.CPP 4.1.1. For required changes refer to Migration to 2.0.0.
Added a new web-bridge for isolated, local MoveIt Studio deployments.
Added additional tutorials for custom Behavior generation and workspace testing. For more information see the Tutorials page.
Added support for tuning admittance control parameters to the user interface. For more information refer to Configure Admittance Control.
Added additional Behavior interface base classes for simplifying building of customer Behaviors. For more information refer to the Built-In Behaviors documentation.
Added a public MoveIt Studio user workspace. For more information refer to Configuring MoveIt Studio for a Specific Robot.
Added support for including multiple
files in user workspaces.Added messaging to the user interface for MoveIt Servo statuses (e.g. approaching singularities or joint limits).
Added an
Behavior for improved collision scene monitoring.Added a
decorator node for iterating over values in a Behavior Tree. For more information refer to the Built-In Behaviors documentation.Added overlay Docker images and instructions for developing MoveIt Studio Behaviors from containers. For more information see Create Overlay Docker Images.
Added ability to modify the servo speed from the Cartesian and Joint control panels.
Added support for logging at different levels from Behaviors to the MoveIt Studio user interface.
Improvements to the Logging panel in the MoveIt Studio user interface.
Improvements for database synchronization in the Objective Editor.
Fixed warnings for missing configuration in base and site config parameters.
Fixed issues related to DDS configuration generation.
Fixed issues with animations and lagging in the user interface.
Fixed segfault issues related to Robotiq Gripper connections.
Fixed issues with the
and success criteria in ros2_control Humble.Fixed issues related to Behavior Tree layouts in the Objective Editor.